Wedding Day

How and why people connect with each other.


“Every day over 111.000 couples get married. Whatever circumstances people live in, at some point they want to commit to each other. What is it like to get married in the Bible Belt of the Netherlands or in an extremely rich family in New Delhi? What happens during a group wedding in the last Maoist village in China? Arranged or love marriages: what's the difference? Is a long marriage worth it? What is the significance of a polygamous marriage in Muslim country Senegal, of child marriages in Nepal or of getting married in a Syrian refugee camp?”

– Lieve Blancquaert


After the successful series Birth Day, journalist-photographer Lieve Blancquaert travels around the world once more to bring into picture marriage. This documentary series and book are her personal report of all the powerful, sometimes intimate moments she was privileged to witness on the unique day when two people embark on one of the most important journeys of their lives. 


Wedding Day is a part of Lieve Blancquaert’s cycle about important moments in human life: birth (Birth Day), marriage (Wedding Day) and death (Last Days). This project is available as a book and as a documentary series.


You can order the book here: